jueves, 7 de octubre de 2021

Dreams (Free themed post)

 Dreams are not supposed to be a society´s manufacturing, dreams are yours, began with the very first moment when you opened your eyes back when you were born. Why is that that permanent desire drives you against the established and mainly against the expectations of others, like your parents for example. Why is that when you want to reveal your real self is a sort of anarchic manisfestation? It seems somebody during history agreed on rejecting everyones aspirations if they dont suit the common/normal/productive/materialistic machine also known as humanity. 

I truly believe that everyone´s dreams respond to a core world´s need, is how vocation works, you can call it talent or virtue, but when you are really good at something and that something charges you with incredible energy is not coincidence, (who invented that word by the way, he was only using a part of his  awarness) we are surrounded by draining situations, why wouldnt you choose the ones that  make feel good about yourself? 

Thus, are your decisions made by your conscious self? Or they are the consquence of your fears? Im not saying go and throw everything away, just be kind with you and with the unknown.

A hug, Lissa.





32 comentarios:

  1. I like your reflection about dreams. I think the dreams, not only the personal dreams, also collective dreams, give us meaning to life

  2. This thought reminds me of some concepts proposed by Walter Benjamin

  3. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on dreams. It has inspired and motivated me! ♥

  4. thanks for share this teacher, I can see that this text is more than just work for you, also I like your music!!

  5. I once read that all of the things you trully want, are on the other side of fear, and it's so true! loved your post

  6. Hi! Your post made me reflect on some decisions I have made in my life, dreams are definitely essential to understand your real self...

  7. Your post about dreams is very true, is scary to follow what we want when is not conventional or "normal", but is nice and fulfilling when we do.

  8. It is a beautiful reflection. In this society it is so difficult to fulfill your dreams, but not impossible.

  9. I agree. Sometimes society forces us to follow behaviors or activities that we hate, simply because that is "productive". Following dreams is great!

  10. What a great reflection, it is very inspiring. I think we should never stop dreaming!

  11. I loved everything he says, very true. I recently realized that I must do whatever I want, for my happiness. A hug!

  12. you said beautiful and true words. Thanks for the reflection miss!! Greetings

  13. This post makes me wonder so many things. Thank you for your words and for let us write about what we love.
    -Anto Muñoz C.

  14. Interesting reflection. It comes to me a lot, because in my case all my life I have had to rebel against what is established in my house. It is a difficult situation

  15. It made me think about many things. Thanks for sharing miss <3

  16. Very profound reflection. It's true, we must be more aware of how we feel to make decisions that make us happy and calm. Let's respect our mind.

  17. Amazing reflection! I really liked reading this post.

  18. I always think about dreams, its are difficult to understand, but your reflection is very interesting

  19. I really agree with you. I believe that it's necessary to give importance to our dreams and make conscious decisions to move towards what we want to be.

  20. Beautiful and meaningful words! they make a lot of sense to me. We always try to fit into a system where the meaning of being successful is making money and sometimes we forget about those things that we are really passionate about

  21. beautiful words, i'm totally agree with you!

  22. Your words make me reflect on the way I am following

  23. I agree with your thoughts. Some dreams are created by the society! As the book of perfect life, you must have a good job, a house and a family, and you must be happy with that! But if your dreams go out of that, you will be an unhappy person. Things that the society makes us to believe, but it isn't true!

  24. Hello Teacher! I like you talk about this, I think the same as you, we have to pay attention our dreams and make them come true if it is what we want.

  25. Hi miss, i loved this post, you're right! the dreams can change anyone's life! We should try to follow them always to be happy.
    - Henry Bahamondes

  26. Hello teacher!
    wow, I've never thought about that, the final questions give a lot of food for thought


  27. The whole story was very inspiring, it left me reflecting...

  28. you are absolutely right, we should focus more on what we want and not what society imposes on us

  29. I hope that all people also think of others, the world would be much more beautiful

  30. I think the same, dreams are magical and i usually dream to much with the real life, coincidences, spiritual sensations, and important events.


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