martes, 13 de abril de 2021

A country you would like to visit

 I would like to visit Jamaica, because of its music and beaches. I know the weather conditions are very warm and suitable for going into the water any time any day. When music speaking, reggae has its roots in that land, and I love reggae, roots and dub. Going there is an actual plan in order to meet places and people who love making music, so who knows? I might have a featuring with some one over there. 

Anyways, I`d love to live there for at leat six months so I can get to know the culture a little bit more and experience what is to live in such a beautiful island.

Anyone interested?



74 comentarios:

  1. I would love to visit a country with a Caribbean climate

  2. I join to know Jamaica, especially to enjoy the beach and reggae

  3. How interesting the idea of ​​visiting Jaimaca, I think it is an entertaining country with a very good climate.

  4. Jamaica had always caght my atention, especially for the climate and culture

  5. How interesting would it be to go to Jamaica, I would like to know its culture .
    - javi navarrete

  6. I love the vibes of Jamaica, I hope to visit this country one day.

  7. Who can't resist to the lanscapes of Jamaica?

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. I would love to go to this country one day, specially to enjoy the beach

  10. Your plans sound spectacular, it would be nice to know the island!

  11. Hello teacher, how interesting your reflection, Jamaica is a country of my likes for its culture and its beaches, I would like to know more about primary education, it would be wonderful to know this country.

  12. Now I am interested in getting to know Jamaica because of what you mentioned about the weather and being able to enter the water at any time of the day.

  13. I have seen that it has beautiful landscapes!, a perfect place to relax

  14. ooh jamaica! the music of jamaica, reggae music, is so magnetic and peaceful. I really dream of visit the jamaican beaches!

  15. I love this destination, the truth is that no one could dislike such a beautiful country with such beautiful beaches. It is an ideal place to live in a simpler way and connected with nature.

  16. Hi! I love the picture, I think that we all need visit a place like that when the pandemic is finally over.

  17. I don't know much more about the culture of Jamaica, but it would be interesting to know more. Reggae and the beach sound like a very good combination!

  18. What a beautiful image and interesting country, I would like to know Jamaica we share the charm of reggae

  19. Jamaica is a good destination to travel, especially because of its warmth and the opportunity to go to the beaches at any time of the day.

  20. Jamaica is a good destination to travel, especially because of its warmth and the opportunity to go to the beaches at any time of the day.

  21. Jamaica is a good destination to travel, especially because of its warmth and the opportunity to go to the beaches at any time of the day.
    commentary of Javiera Gutiérrez

  22. I love when ones can go to the water any tome of the day, sounds like a hot spring or something like that, but i really prefer the cold weather, so i dont think Jamaica its a good option to me.

  23. I would like to travel to Jaimaica, to enjoy its beautiful beaches.

  24. Jamaica is a very beautiful country and more for its beaches and culture, hopefully you will get to know this country

  25. Nice picture teacher !!! I have been told that Jamaica is one of the countries with the most beautiful beaches and the most delicious fruits. I started seeing photos and now I want to visit that place in the future.

  26. I would like to visit jamaica too! I love dancehall music and dance, actually i few years ago i went to a school dance and i danced dancehall i 'd like to fo to jamaica and learn aboit their culture and professional dancers

  27. I would never have imagined that the beaches of Jamaica would be so beautiful, I think it would be a very nice travel

  28. hello! I think it's a fascinating place worth knowing! It would be very interesting to be able to live with people who have similar tastes!

  29. I love warm places! Jamaica seems like a dream for those of us who suffer in winter and cold temperatures, I would definitely like to go to Jamaica someday!

  30. omg, jamaica must be a country with many beautiful place. I hope someday you can visit!

  31. Jamaica is a beautiful country, I would like to visit it one day!

  32. Jamaica looks really interestig, more if is the country of the fastest man on the world

  33. hi teacher, my brother traveled to jamaica 5 years ago... he said it's a beautiful country and people are very nice.

  34. OMG I would love go to Jamaica or any other country in the caribbean

  35. Hi! I hope i could live in the caribbean some day!

  36. Hi Teacher, Jamaica it´s sound amazing, I hope can you visit Jamaica very soon.

  37. How nice he talks about that country! without a doubt some day I will have to visit it

  38. Hi miss!!
    Traveling to Jamaica would be a dream for me. When I finish studying and have enough money to travel, I will travel to Jamaica.

  39. Jamaica is a Beautiful place, i would like go too, to be able to take a pictures.

  40. Hi miss, nice blog, i love it and Jamaica sound amazing

  41. Hii teacher! I am not a fan of the beach, but I would be delighted to spend a day in a forest in Jamaica. by the way, very nice photo

  42. I'll loved travel to Jamaica, their culture is very interesting, for very smokey reasons jajaja

  43. Just thinking about Jamaica is a good feeling, I think about many landscapes that can be seen in that country

  44. I wouldn't like to go to Jamaica but if I did, it would be just for being able to watch and contemplate views like the one in the photo (it's very pretty).

  45. That sounds fun, above all enjoy the beautiful beaches

  46. Nice Photo!!! Jamaica is a great place to know about the reggae culture! I would like to go too!

  47. Great country! Whenever I listen to Marley I think I'm in Jamaica jaja

  48. Wow, Jamaica really is paradise. I would like to visit the country because I love the Caribbean, its beautiful beaches and its weather conditions. I think is excellent destination. By the way, nice picture!

  49. Jamaica seems fun! I think is great for a relaxing time and the music makes it better!

  50. Jamaica seems fun! I think is great for a relaxing time and the music makes it better

  51. How cool would it be to go to Jamaica and visit Bob Marley's grave, it would be a dream!

  52. I hadn't thought of travelling to Jamaica 'till I read your post! it seems very interesting and fun

  53. Your post made me want to go to Jamaica! It seems like a good place to go on vacation, to relax a bit and listen to good music.

  54. Jamaica sounds like an interesting place! I'd love to go there someday too.

  55. Wow! Jamaica seems like a beautiful place to relax and have a good holydays

  56. Hi Miss, Wow, my dream is to be able to enter the water at any time of the day haha, if so I would stay to live forever in Jamaica!

  57. Jamaica’s culture is amazing, its dances and music are great. Also, its beaches are amazing for its white sand and crystal clear sea.

  58. Jamaica sounds great, I would like to hit the beach at any time and visit such a beautiful island

  59. Jamaica sounds like a very interesting place, especially for the music. I would love to go.

  60. Nice place! Do you like jamaican juice?

  61. Lovely picture (sorry for the delay, I thought the comments were only for the classmates).

  62. I hope you can travel to this beautiful island someday, you sound very excited about Jamaica!!

  63. Reading your blog made me really want to know jamaica!

  64. Hello Teacher! I have to say that I would like to visit Jamaica too, because I think is a beautiful country and I love dancehall.

  65. I loved this post, I would like to go too, it sounds perfect to get to know another culture and rest.

  66. I loveee reggae music of jamaica. It's one of my favorite music genres

  67. seems like a good destination to travel to, I hope someday you can go there

  68. My grandfather is Jamaican so I would also like to go :)


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