viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2021

Why did I choose my major?

 When I was a child I dreamt about being a singer, all I wanted was to sing and have my own radio show. I´m not sure if I knew what exactly what a job was, but I knew I want it so bad, but as sometimes, we don´t have many options, I quickly had to think about something reliable and important for society, parentheses the family. I always liked english, because I always liked watching movies in english, so I ended up understanding everything only because Hollywood recycles its scripts.

My first option was Cine, I love it, I just love it. I started writing when I was 11 and I haven´t stopped, I just moved from the screen play to songs. I finally decided studying English Pedagogy because I was good at english and I had taught it since I was 15, it used to be the way I earned money at school. I always liked the idea of knowing another language so you can travel and know more cultures.

My experience at university made me fall in love with education, it is such a great resposability and one of the best gifts life can bring us, traspassing what I´ve learnt is not a matter of creating perfect smart students, is to help them to open their hearts and make them believe they can do it, then it would be their turns to continue enlightening the world with constructive knowledge. 

I just wish education wasn´t a product.

Lissa D.

29 comentarios:

  1. It is so depressing the fact that the art careers are undervalued for the society... anyways, i'm glad that you could find another career that you like too.

  2. It's true that teachers are so important in society, I'm glad there's people who enjoy doing that and can make education a good experience!

  3. I need a logo with the phrase "education is not a product" because this should be true. Thank you for sharing this wish, I hope that in the future it will be real.

  4. Hi Lissa, what if you create a podcast? Resembles a bit to your childhood dream.

  5. Hi teacher! In my childhood i wanted to become a singer too! I'm so happy you still writing songs. I hope some day I can listen. Cheers!

  6. Incredible way to have acquired interest and knowledge for English! Although it was not what she initially liked, I love knowing that she fell in love with education. His words show a lot of empathy, passion and appreciation for pedagogy.

  7. Hi teacher, English is definitely very important in the world and it is great that you have been able to dedicate yourself to pedagogy.
    I hope you can continue to develop your other passions!

  8. why did you not study cine?! we could work together. Jajaja it is joke

  9. I completely agree. Education should be oriented towards creating whole persons, not as an object of consumption.

  10. It's interesting to know the stories from the others. You are a very multifaceted person and I hope that (just like you do now), you can continue to do the things that you love, even if it's in your free time!

  11. It's so pleasing when someone has a vocation. It's nice that you found a career that you love to do, and I think it's too meaningful the vision you want to transmit to your students about their future role in the world.

  12. I think it's great to be able to understand English from a young age. My best friend learned English just by watching movies and she always recommended that method to me. However, I think she is not in my abilities.

  13. I really appreciate and admirate the work of the teachers. It seems to me something very important for society and that requires great habilities and patience

  14. I also think that education shouldn't be a product and I think that teachers are very important to the society

  15. It's sad that artistic careers are not important to society, I hope that they will soon receive the value they deserve. But I'm glad that you could find your vocation as a teacher and that you love your job!

  16. .In my experience at school, the most passionate teachers always were the English and Spanish ones. I think teach how to speak also teaches us about how to start thinking.
    I love the passion you have for education, it's inspiring

  17. the lasts words are so right, it´s so sad, when we see the education as a product or the knowledge as a way to make money we are so bad :c

  18. I also wanted to be a singer and an actress, but time made me fall into reality:(

  19. How cool and curious that at that age (15) you were already teaching in that way, what you were going to choose as your major.

  20. i'm surprise, when you say that one option for you was cine, i ner imagen that!

  21. Being a teacher is one of the most important jobs humanity needs, and you should be proud to be one

  22. Hello Teacher! I like cine too, someday I would like register in a workshop about this and I have to say that you show vocation about your major.

  23. I did not know that Hollywood recycled its scripts, I like that education is a vocation for you, thank you for that.
    -Henry Bahamondes


  24. Studying cine it's so cool, but being a teacher is also an important job.

  25. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  26. good that you found passion in pedagogy as well

  27. Being a teacher means having a lot of emotional intelligence and a lot of patience as well, I hope you continue to love your career forever :)


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