miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2021

A meal I really like

 My favorite meal are Humitas, I just can´t live without them, I can have them for breakfast, lunch or diner, but I must be honest and say that making them is whole big feat.

First you have to peel the corn, then wash it and start chopping the grains till the kernel is empty.

Next you must take all of the grains and put them into the food processor, this is where you can mix it with the sofrito you previously prepared, it is usually made of only onion, but I always add basil.

Afterwords, take all of t his mix into a souce pan and cook it for, I really don´t know, I´m always watching and smelling till I see it is some how ready. Then I start filling the corn leaves and put them into the souce pan again. In the meanwhile I chop some onions, tomatoes and parsley and I prepare my Chilena salad, what a wonderful mix!

I like them because the mix of flavors are just amazing, smashed corn is so sweet and soft and the juice of the salad creates a sort of balm that integrates all the textures that taste like endless summer.

I consider this chilean dish one of the most important and healthy one, it all comes from nature without any industrial processes, from the chacra to our tables. Delicious!

jueves, 7 de octubre de 2021

Dreams (Free themed post)

 Dreams are not supposed to be a society´s manufacturing, dreams are yours, began with the very first moment when you opened your eyes back when you were born. Why is that that permanent desire drives you against the established and mainly against the expectations of others, like your parents for example. Why is that when you want to reveal your real self is a sort of anarchic manisfestation? It seems somebody during history agreed on rejecting everyones aspirations if they dont suit the common/normal/productive/materialistic machine also known as humanity. 

I truly believe that everyone´s dreams respond to a core world´s need, is how vocation works, you can call it talent or virtue, but when you are really good at something and that something charges you with incredible energy is not coincidence, (who invented that word by the way, he was only using a part of his  awarness) we are surrounded by draining situations, why wouldnt you choose the ones that  make feel good about yourself? 

Thus, are your decisions made by your conscious self? Or they are the consquence of your fears? Im not saying go and throw everything away, just be kind with you and with the unknown.

A hug, Lissa.





viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2021

Why did I choose my major?

 When I was a child I dreamt about being a singer, all I wanted was to sing and have my own radio show. I´m not sure if I knew what exactly what a job was, but I knew I want it so bad, but as sometimes, we don´t have many options, I quickly had to think about something reliable and important for society, parentheses the family. I always liked english, because I always liked watching movies in english, so I ended up understanding everything only because Hollywood recycles its scripts.

My first option was Cine, I love it, I just love it. I started writing when I was 11 and I haven´t stopped, I just moved from the screen play to songs. I finally decided studying English Pedagogy because I was good at english and I had taught it since I was 15, it used to be the way I earned money at school. I always liked the idea of knowing another language so you can travel and know more cultures.

My experience at university made me fall in love with education, it is such a great resposability and one of the best gifts life can bring us, traspassing what I´ve learnt is not a matter of creating perfect smart students, is to help them to open their hearts and make them believe they can do it, then it would be their turns to continue enlightening the world with constructive knowledge. 

I just wish education wasn´t a product.

Lissa D.

martes, 13 de abril de 2021

A country you would like to visit

 I would like to visit Jamaica, because of its music and beaches. I know the weather conditions are very warm and suitable for going into the water any time any day. When music speaking, reggae has its roots in that land, and I love reggae, roots and dub. Going there is an actual plan in order to meet places and people who love making music, so who knows? I might have a featuring with some one over there. 

Anyways, I`d love to live there for at leat six months so I can get to know the culture a little bit more and experience what is to live in such a beautiful island.

Anyone interested?



A meal I really like

 My favorite meal are Humitas, I just can´t live without them, I can have them for breakfast, lunch or diner, but I must be honest and say t...