viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2021

Why did I choose my major?

 When I was a child I dreamt about being a singer, all I wanted was to sing and have my own radio show. I´m not sure if I knew what exactly what a job was, but I knew I want it so bad, but as sometimes, we don´t have many options, I quickly had to think about something reliable and important for society, parentheses the family. I always liked english, because I always liked watching movies in english, so I ended up understanding everything only because Hollywood recycles its scripts.

My first option was Cine, I love it, I just love it. I started writing when I was 11 and I haven´t stopped, I just moved from the screen play to songs. I finally decided studying English Pedagogy because I was good at english and I had taught it since I was 15, it used to be the way I earned money at school. I always liked the idea of knowing another language so you can travel and know more cultures.

My experience at university made me fall in love with education, it is such a great resposability and one of the best gifts life can bring us, traspassing what I´ve learnt is not a matter of creating perfect smart students, is to help them to open their hearts and make them believe they can do it, then it would be their turns to continue enlightening the world with constructive knowledge. 

I just wish education wasn´t a product.

Lissa D.

A meal I really like

 My favorite meal are Humitas, I just can´t live without them, I can have them for breakfast, lunch or diner, but I must be honest and say t...